Knuuz is 'Knowledge to use (uu) everyday (z)'. Think of it as a name for what might otherwise be called 'lifelong learning'. A knuuzquest is the activities associated with gathering the knuuz in your life. Read on to learn about knuuzquests through answers to some basic questions.
Why create a new name for this?
KnuuzQuest was established as a way to highlight a specific methodology one might apply to enhancing their lifelong learning.
What has changed to create the opportunity for a new methodology?
The availability and speed of networking and mobile devices have increased to a level where a significant percentage of the world's population can literally carry their own personal library with them at all times. Additionally, making incremental additions to that library is no more difficult than taking a few pictures/videos and then attaching some text to them. The whole process can be done realtime while in the moment, almost no matter where you are. Final polishing and organization of some or all of that material will often requires more time and potentially a more powerful digital device (i.e. a laptop or tablet instead of a mobile phone). That activity though can happen at a different time and place as time and interest dictate. The immediacy of information capture greatly reduces the risk of information loss when the final processing is done.
Still, why a different name?
It is my belief that fully integrating this methodology into people's lives requires some amount of letting go of the past and seeing things differently. Giving the process a different name will likely help with that. A core philosophy that has been followed during the development of 'KnuuzQuests for knuuz sharing' is "Be none of them so you can be all of them". Much like the early days of the internet and the world wide web there is value in making sure that the core elements are universally available and not tied to a single entity with profit and loss motivators. Instead make it easy for all providers of knuuz sharing applicable products (hardware/software/services). Leverage the capabilities that this new digitally supported and interconnected world provides us while letting the unique skills of all provides shine through and have equal access to the underlying methodology and message.
Anything else?
As I have embarked on my own knuuzquest, looking at my life and trying to capture my knuuz, frequently I feel overwhelmed. At the ripe old age of 69 I have many life experiences that may be worth capturing from the past. Additionally I have a family now, including children and grandchildren. They generate a tremendous amount of other knuuz sharing opportunities. So where do I start and how to I make effective progress. My conclusion is to treat my life as one long knuuzquest with many short, specific adventures along the way. Thus like any journey you can only be in one place at a time. So focus on that and leave behind notes about that segment of the journey. Chronicle the journey in a diary sort of format BUT leverage the fact that individual elements of the journey can remain as separate, stand-alone pieces which you nurture as time and interest permit. You can watch your progress based on the diary entries which point to 'more knuuz' but when you flesh out a particular element of knuuz depends on when you need it anf for whom you are sharing it.
Bottom Line?!
Our modern world allows us to carry a tremendous amount of information with us all the time. We can edit and refine that knowledge whenever and wherever we want. Since it is always there markups can be done realtime with abandon. Gone are the days where we need to say 'I will remember to write that down when I get home and can find my notebook!". We now live in a world where that notebook is always with you. I suppose in one sense you might say that you always carry a little bit of home with you. That gives me an odd and wonderful sense of comfort. Hopefully it will for you too as you embark and pursue you own knoozquest. I wish you a wonderful journey. The knuuzworld website is here for you to lean upon as needed during those times that your methods need refinement. If we here at KnuuzWorld have not traveled that way yet we aspire to walk with you for awhile and together find a good solution.
Joe Albright
KnuuzQuest and Knuuzworld founder
Also, a nutty rock with a heart...
There are 3 basic steps to a knuuzquest, in addition to just living life. The 3 steps are
The following sections give a bit more detail about each of the steps listed above.
The first step of the process is to capture an image into your mobile device's photo collection. This might be by taking a picture, a screenshot, or downloading someone else's image from places such as a website or an email attachment.
Once the image is in your photos collection you want to add one or more tags to it so that it will be dynamically grouped with other parts of your knuuz collection. As a handy way to get started just copy the text below between the two rows of = and paste that into your photos caption field (Apple iOS devices) or as text n the photo (Android devices).
Title TBD
groupAll (itemDDhhmmss)
locNNNNplace / cy2023MM
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
See the tagging page for more details about tagging.
The whole goal of a knuuzquest is to make knowledge you acquire much easier to retrieve from within your daily life. So this final step merely checks to be sure that by searching for one or more of the tags you just attached to your photo you can quickly get back to the specific information of interest.
The material above provides you with the absolute barest essentials you will want when pursuing your life's knuuzquest. Once you feel comfortable with this basic tagging and searching approach then you can expand out. Adding tags into other applications is one dimension you can explore. That allows you to get more breadth to the types of resources you can attach to your knuuz collection. Developing a hierarchy of tags allows you to group your knowledge into different levels of detail about a specific topic or activity. This can be tremendously helpful when you have a subject you want to show to different sets of people with different levels of background and interest.
Getting Started (143907) is a good introduction to navigating knuuzpapers. Download this document from the folder list below and then explore how to move about the document.
As of May 25, 2023 the following material is a work in progress.
This video goes into more depth about how to get started with knuuzpapers and knuu
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